Money Stress Type: THE ABDICATOR

The Abdicator

Take My Money and…Pay My Bills?

Take My Money and…Pay My Bills?


You are the type of person who just lets someone wise handle the money. Maybe your spouse or your parent or a professional. Possibly your dog (not recommended). You feel like money is not “your thing” and it is better if it is the hands of someone who knows what they are doing. Your stress has you respond to money like it is a hot potato of discomfort or boredom  and/ or fear of doing something wrong. 


You hand over your documents or passwords or bills to someone else, the phrase “Oh - ____ handles that”, having to ask someone else about your money. 


Potential for fraud or being taken advantage of, Feeling like “it is too late” to learn now, Fear of changing things or making plans with your money, feeling immature or incompetent. 

How To Work With It: 

Talk To Your Person:

You do not have to go from zero to money wizard. Just being involved is the first step. Ask questions, do tasks together, ask for more control or at least more communication. Turn your money handler into a money teacher.

Start Small:

Just find one or two things that are small tasks or accounts that you can commit to taking over. Use these (maybe a Robinhood account or paying certain bills) as a proving ground and then scaffold up from there 

Build Your Confidence:

Explore what made you think you couldn’t handle money in the first place. Was it something you were told growing up, was it a mistake that still haunts you (college credit card debt? Failed business? Unpaid parking tickets?) or is it just how you feel about yourself? Whatever it is - pinpoint it, journal about it and seek resources or help around self compassion, building confidence and goal setting.